We believe that it is vital to STAND, SPEAK and SERVE for life. Below are some suggestions as to how you might do that. If you agree with these aims and with our vision and values, please join our mailing list.

There is no issue more important for us all than the right to life of human individuals so we call you to:
Commit to attending peaceful protests against abortion until it is made illegal once more, including our annual protests at Stormont each March;
Support, whenever possible, campaigns and initiatives by other pro-life organisations who take a consistent stand against abortion and with whose strategy and tactics you agree;
Write regularly to politicians and vote consistently for pro-life candidates in all elections;
Join our mailing list and movement to keep up to date with our news and to sjow your support for our aims.

The facts of life and human development are clear and we must rehumanise the conversation about abortion by:
Talking with sensitivity and compassion about the truth about human development and abortion with friends and family, in workplaces and professions;
Consistently using accurate language, countering the falsehoods spread by pro-abortion people through euphemisms (e.g., baby or unborn child rather than fetus or 'clump of cells; mother rather than woman; abortion rather than termination of pregnancy; unique living human individual rather than potential person);
Never leaving unchallenged the lies that abortion is healthcare, a service, compassionate or morally justifiable in any circumstances with the possible exception of saving the mother's life.

Being consistently life-affirming means showing compassionate care to woman and their childre so please:
Consider becoming a regular supporter and/or volunteer with one of the excellent charities supporting women in need in NI.
Consider whether you might befriend and open your home to women in need or provide care for children in need through fostering or adoption.
Commit to being a good neighbour who shows the same dignity to every person that we recognise should be shown to unborn children.
Respond with compassion to women who have had abortions, refusing to condemn them.